
Recent Posts

By Michael Martinez 12 Mar, 2019
Faith is in every matter of life. The big events, and the small ones.
By Michael Martinez 12 Mar, 2019
Learn to see differences and embrace them.
By Michael Martinez 12 Mar, 2019
Use your voice and live by your actions. It is not an easy path, but it is the right one.
By Michael Martinez 12 Mar, 2019
Faith is in every matter of life. The big events, and the small ones.
By Michael Martinez 12 Mar, 2019
Learn to see differences and embrace them.
By Michael Martinez 12 Mar, 2019
Use your voice and live by your actions. It is not an easy path, but it is the right one.

Upcoming Events

  • 27 FEB - Pastor & Wife Anniversary @4pm

  • MAR 20 - Brotherhood Annual @3pm

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  • APR 10 - Choir Annual @3pm

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  • MAY 8- Mother's Day Service- @AM Service

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  • JUN 19- Father's Day Service- AM Service

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  • JUNE/JULY - Vacation Bible School @TBD

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  • JUL 24 - Old Fashion Service- 3pm

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  • AUG 21 - Women Annual- 3pm

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  • SEP 10 - Church Picnic- @TBD

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  • SEP 18 - Usher's Annual- 3pm

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  • OCT 9 - Youth Annual @3pm

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  • OCT 31 - Neighborhood Outreach

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  • NOV 6 - Honoring Veterans Service - @AM Service

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